25 March 2010


Tomorrow is our 3rd (of 4) homestudy appointments!  All of our homework is done and turned in.  This will probably be our longest appointment.  We'll each have individual interviews and have to fill out a long questionaire.  I really like our social worker - she's kind and thorough.  I'm not nervous - actually I'm kinda excited.  :)
After this - we'll have to get our will together, some life insurance for me, and clean our house like crazy mad!  Plus our profile book - which I've already started.  And I guess we'll find out if there is anything else tomorrow.  Here's a preview of our first page:  

*and a disclaimer - this will probably change a million times.  So, don't be surprised if you see our book and this is not the first page.  :)
**Paper and swirlies by Shabby Princess
***Picture by Amy Price

22 March 2010

Infertility & Adoption

I've heard people say that infertility and adoption are two separate things.  I think today I began to really comprehend that sentiment.  We've been walking down this infertility road for 4 years now.  Some reactions become almost reflexive...  such as every month when I'm the tiniest bit late - wondering yet again if maybe we're pregnant.  And the hope returns like a flash flood filling every part of my heart and brain.  Now that we're adopting - my reactions have been VERY different.  Well, that's not totally true - the first part, the deluge of hope and desire - yep, still there.  But, its what comes after that's been different.  Now - there's this incredible warring of emotions.

You see, I still want to be pregnant and experience the biological side of being a parent.  I want to feel and know what women have felt and known since the beginning of time.  But - the horror and guilt of wanting that crushes my heart, leaving me battered and bruised emotionally.  I suppose I've been attempting to mentally beat those desires out of myself.  Because, well, we're adopting!  I'm not supposed to want that.  I'm supposed to have mourned that loss and moved on!  Those desires don't have any place showing their painful, ugly, all-consuming selves!

Then, on the heels of those emotions are disappointment.  I don't want to be pregnant now, because it will "mess" all these plans up!  We're adopting!  I want to meet this child who has already begun growing in my heart!  I want to provide a home and love for a child that needs us.  And we've already told a million people and I wouldn't change that!  So many people have joined us - such incredible encouragement and support.  Not to mention financial support; what would I say if we were pregnant?  Oh, never mind!...  we're pregnant now.   But, I couldn't do that - this child of my heart is already ours.  We don't know who or what or when...  If we did get pregnant now - I would still be full of grief - for the loss of this little one that I don't know or feel.

As a result of all this excessive thinking and "feeling" - I think I've come to realize that these desires - one for a biological child and one for an adopted child - are 2 different desires.  The same end result - a child.  But, two separate and good desires.  Neither wrong nor better.  Just different.  Unfortunately - they are both strong and emotional and currently, achingly painful.

I don't know what the future holds.  I don't know if I'll always desire a biological child or if upon holding our adopted child will that all fade away?  I know I'm tired of unknowns and I'm tired of emotions - but both are inescapable.  So - I'll return to the One who does know and I'll rest tonight in His arms.  And pray for Him to take this pain and use it for something bigger than me.  And I will rest - because I know He will.  

12 March 2010

International Adoption Debate

There are a bunch of bloggers out there that have adopted and discuss serious adoption issues on their blogs.  This specific blog is one I really enjoy.  "Rage Against the Minivan".  I love to read Kristen's perspective on stuff - not simply regarding adoption, but also life in general.  Obviously, I don't agree with everything, but her words stretch and challenge me.  Her husband was in ministry, they've struggled with infertility, and have 2 sons through transracial adoptions - a few points of similarity between us.   

This post is specifically interesting to me.  Cory and I were visiting with friends last weekend and discussing international adoptions - discussing differing POV's and pro's and con's.  My sister is Chinese and joined our family 3 years ago.  She was a teen when she was adopted which gives her story another interesting angle.  It isn't really my story to share.  But, it does give me reasons to be really thinking about international adoptions.